Saturday, 28 March 2015

The Spring

Hello Strangers! 
I have woken from hibernation because well apparently it is spring. However when I look outside it basically looks like the middle of winter other then that I can see the snow for about an hour longer! So I will fill you in on my winter... It's been COLD and I feel that is an understatement... Like so cold that it is barely warm in my car by the time I get home from work some nights! My drive home is about 45 mins long! And now I will fill you in on my winter:

This is Searchmont the ski hill in the Sault Ste. Marie area , and it's actually pretty decent! The hours/days it's open are pretty shitty for me because they are closed Monday and Tuesday and those are my usual days off. I definently hope that the new owners open more runs and have it open everyday of the week next winter, because I would love to be able to make it out more the once a season! 

Oh Ali I'm so sorry your room has basically exploded! Apparently sorting Marc's closets is a month long job... The things I found! Yikes lol 

This is the face I made when  I found out my best friend steph was preggers! I'm super excited to be an aunt! It's super hard to be so far away while she is going through all of this. I can't wait to meet the little guy or girly! Due date is mid September 2015... I'll keep you posted 

And then Marc came home and I think I gained about 10 pounds in two weeks because we ate so well! The unfortante side of both of us loving to eat and cook! Below is the BEST burger I have ever eaten... No joke... Home made Beef burger pattys topped with bacon onions mushrooms and cheese! Seriously I never want to buy a premodern burger patty again! Try making your own! So much better

Then there was our Valentine's Day dinner! I'm going to keep this explanation short so I don't sound like I'm bragging but lobster tails, scallops, procutto wrapped asaparagus and pesto Alfredo! Defiantly one of the best meals I've ever had home cooked or Resturant made. Happy Valentines Day everyone ! 

Then I was lucky enough to head to Mississauga for four days! And it was a BUSY four days filled with family and friends! 
Meet my niece Harper! 

And my date Ali... (There must be a table of them!!! Lol) 

There are a few other pictures from my trip home but no one looks attractive in them so I'll spare you! I had a great time visiting and I hope everyone gets a chance to come visit me this summer! And hopefully I'll have some time off to visit "down south" soon!!

Since I have been back home I have joined the gym and signed up with a personal trainer! It's been one week and I've already started to see minor results! Looking forward to seeing major results!
This counts right?! 

Saturday, 24 January 2015

The Snow... Part Two

Okay so I lied about the snow a couple posts ago... I have never seen so much fucking snow in my entire life! Sorry Grandma! But really I have no other way to explain it! The following pictures are what I came home from after a nasty snow storm that left me stuck in town:
That would be Marc's trailer. I swear when I left the night before I could see the tires! 
Pretty sure there is a couple of stairs there...see you In The spring!
Oh hello drive way... Ps I hate you.. Fast forward a few weeks and ill explain the hate 
Ops ⛄️
Pretty sure there's a deck under there... Yup I give up! 

So apparently there are fun things to do in the snow... Snow mobiling is one of Marc's favourites and unfortantly for me it means me ending up in a snow bank because I dont "lean" the right way. However currently I would much rather be holding on for my life on the back of the sled then ice fishing... Sorry Marc I tried and I will try again but I think I like summer fishing way more then ice fishing.

This is about 8am and I'm cold and my helmet scratched my face 
I think I sent this picture around 1pm....I had already fallen asleep a couple times and I was so worried about dropping my pole down the hole! Now don't get me wrong I was still optimistic that I would catch a fish.
But it was cold and I didn't catch a damn thing! But I did look cute in my "jay booth touque" and Marc got enough for dinner :
New thought! 
This puppy is so cute !  And I want her 😄 
Toby says hello!😺

Sometimes things are hard and differnt but everything is worth it in the end 

Sunday, 4 January 2015

The Water

Hello strangers!
Merry Christmas! Happy New Years! The month of December was nuts! Marc was home for three weeks and that was awesome! During that time it was my birthday, 4 family Christmas', our anniversary, and New Years. So let me catch you up on my last month:

It is COLD here the intense amount of wind doesn't help either. I'm getting better at keeping the fire going during the night, however it does involve an alarm being set for the middle of the night but I don't wake up frozen so it's worth it.... I guess. Now of course it's not so easy when I go to work but that's what the heaters are for and as you can see Toby is taking full advantage of the heater. 
I have learnt something new in the last month about wood. Did you know there is something called wet wood? Now I'm not talking about wood that was left in the rain or snow. Apparently wood that is newly chopped needs to dry out for two years (pretty sure it's two years but maybe only one, I can't remember now). But anyways we are almost out of dry wood and wet wood is a bitch to burn, so I'm going to turn into an ice cube- just kidding but it may be a pricey winter. 

Anyone know how to fix a leather couch? This is what happens when nail polish remover and a leather couch meet. Now this is 100% my fault but I can explain- I didn't even open the nail polish remover the day I put my nail bag on the couch so how this happened is still a mystery. So after I realized what happened I asked a few people for opinions on what to cook before I told Marc. A few of the responses were: Google/YouTube it, cover it with pillows/blankets (current solution), use a marker, but my favourite response was from five males from work "cover it up and make it look like he did it" and their reasoning for this is that's what they do when they break things, they let their wives or girlfriends think they did it! Secret is out boys! You're busted! So for those of you wonder what I did.... I blamed the cat lol totally kidding! I owned up to what happened well I guess now I did maybe shouldn't have confessed in my blog... Yikes! Again totally kidding I really did tell Marc what happened and we are looking for ways to fix it.

I originally hijacked the spare bedroom as a closet however the spare bedroom is also where the crawlspace door is and well we seem to need access to down there way more then planned. So I re organized! I emptied out two of the three "cubbies" as I call them and put up some curtains to make them look a little better. I should probably hem them but I'll get to that eventually. Now it's time to sort all of the things I took out of the cubbies! 

I think you've met but this is Bernard the Bear and Hank the Deer! And they would also like to wish you a Merry Christmas. Marc approved on the Santa hats in case you were wondering 
For work we had an ugly Christmas sweater party, and I just so happened to plan it on my birthday. So basically all the staff got to dress up and we accepted canned food donations for the local soup kitchen. Above is my lovely sweater decorated by me! Now the most awkward part of an ugly sweater party at work is that when a customer tells you they like your sweater, are they telling you they like your Christmas sweater or they like your ugly sweater? The only response is thank you! How was your food? Lol 
Toby looks so angry but this is our Christmas picture 😃 it only took about twenty tries. I was lucky to get sometime off for Christmas and Marc and I got the chance to go down south, now depending where you live down south means very different places. To me and anyone who lives in southern Ontario down south is somewhere warm like Mexico, Cuba, geez even Floridia, but up here down south is southern Ontario. In this case we went to Mississauga and London to visit family and friends, it was a crazy busy few days. It was great to meet new people and see my family and friends, I just wish it was longer! 
So my grandma is a big fan of my blog and this was my birthday present from her... I loved it and very much enjoyed my Starbucks out here in the middle of no where 😜

Currently I have no water and haven't for 5 days now.... Well sorry that's a lie I have water but the pipes that take the water out of the house are frozen. Now don't be gross it hasn't been 5 days since I've showered but it is a pain in the ass. I've been showering at Marc's moms place in case you didn't believe me. The above pictures is how I'm doing dishes, put water in the sink, wash the dishes, empty drain into bucket, throw bucket of water outside. Plumber is coming tomorrow! 

So before I say good night I'm going to share a funny story. The last few days have been stressful Marc's back at work, there's no water at my house, and works been hard, so I've been slightly absent minded. Well today I proved that! I wake up and grab my stuff for work and head to town to go shower, I'm still in my pjs because well why change twice? So I get go Marc's moms place and I shower do my hair and make up and then get dressed well I noticed I forgot to pack something! I forgot my PANTS! I totally forgot to grab my dress pants for work, so that resulted in a last minute run to Walmart in my pj bottoms... Thank goodness they were just red plad! 

Good night all!