The Pink Couch
Boxes have overtaken my basement apartment, but I'm ready to go and have been for a couple weeks already. I would 100% recommend that if you can, slowly pack (even a small one bedroom apartment) over a couple nights or even weeks- it will make for way less stress.
Boxes! Stored in the Harry Potter Room
However there is one thing that I have already managed to goof on (trust me there will be many of these moments along the way). I forgot to leave out a bottle opener! But have no fear I have a tool box! Now I can guarantee when my mom gave me this tool box a few years ago when I first moved out of her house that she would have never guessed this would be what I would use it for:
Stop! Wine Time
Step one: find a screw long enough to make it to the bottom of the cork- it's also helpful if you have a screwdriver that matches the screw
Step two: centre the screw in the middle of the cork and screw straight down- should be a little of the screw left on the top and a little bit in to the bottle (hint: pull all the foil off- it will make it easier to see what you are doing)
Step three: use a hammer to wiggle the cork out, adjust the side you pull from so you don't break the cork
Step four: pour yourself a big glass of wine, and enjoy the last night in your own apartment
Good Luck in the wilderness! Can't wait to hear how it's going!