Sunday, 19 October 2014

The Turkey

It's definitely fall here! And with fall comes Thanksgiving, although it wasn't easy being away from my family in Mississauga Ali and I made the best of it. I was lucky enough to have Thanksgiving Monday off work and I spent that day making my first ever turkey dinner. It was definently an experience! 
First was the stuffing! 
I followed a pretty basic recipe that included spices, bread, celery, butter, and eggs.
While the stuffing was cooling it was time to get the turkey ready. Sticking your hand inside a turkey is not as much fun as it sounds, it's actually pretty gross. Especially when you're not really sure what you are looking for or what it should look like. Maybe I should have paid more attention to the millions of turkey's my mom has made in the past. 
Then the turkey went in the oven and we waited! While we wated we figured it was only fitting that we got dressed up for Thanksgiving dinner, even if it was just Ali and I. Now the reason it was only Ali and I was because I was scared that I would mess up the turkey terribly and I really didn't want to cook the emergency hamburgers that were in the freezer! Once we were looking fantabulous, it was time to pull out the turkey, and I must say it was looking pretty fantabulous as well. 
My craving skills need some work! 
Ta Da!! Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, carrots, and gravy.. Yum! 
And finally there was dessert! Ali made pumpkin pie! And it was awesome 
Happy Thanksgiving! Love Erin and Ali 

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