Wednesday, 12 November 2014

The Snow

So again I've been slacking on my posts, but I've been busy! It's been an interesting few weeks. Marc's been away for almost three weeks and I've been home alone since then and it's been pretty interesting. Mostly I've been working but along the way there's been some things worth writing about.

My Halloween costume! Lol oh you can't tell what it is? Well it's someone pretending that she doesn't live in the middle of nowhere and that she doesn't have to go to work! Lol creative I know! 
My new love is my Starbucks card! There may only be ONE Starbucks in town that is generally completely out of my way but I'm 22 stars away from being Gold Level! So I better drink up! Also if anyone ever wants to buy me random presents Starbucks gift cards are perfect. In this picture I also just got my nails done, I know not very exciting, but I am pretty happy I've found a place here that does a good job! 
Toby is obsessed with trying to get outside, I have no idea why! Probably wants to "chase" bugs, luckily the bugs are dead, thanks to the SNOW but I'm not there yet in my story. 
I attempted to hang new curtains in our bedroom, I say attempted because well if you haven't noticed they are about 5 inches from the floor. The issue is I couldn't put new holes in the wall due to the lack of drill, but they are 100% better then the ugly broken blinds that were up before. Sorry Marc one more job for you to do when you get home. 
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, at least on my stairs. This is what happens when Halloween is over and I get bored. Now I saw this on Pinterest and thought hey that looks easy! Well it has potential to be easy however when multiple extension cords are needed and each light needs to be in the right place and the burlap stuff you bought is the wrong size, and oh you have a cat who wants to play with everything you touch it's not so easy. More Christmas decorations to come! 
I'm famous! Lol clearly kidding but I was in the SaultStar for a post for new management at BP, it is a really strange feeling when a total stranger tells you they saw your picture in the newspaper.
I piled wood! We finally found wood and it was delivered last week however it's all at the front in the drive way and the wood shed is behind the garage. Funny story actually, as I was going outside to move the wood in the shed to make room for the new wood Nicole texts me a picture of female lumberjacks and says that's going to be me! So not really funny but I was amused. Anyways I made room for the new wood and carried about 50 new pieces to the shed, 50 of about 1000! But I tried, maybe I should get a wheelbarrow, or wait for Marc to come home. But really I'm going to get a wheelbarrow. 
The snow is here!!! And it's cold, but I know it's just the beginning! So far my car has been stuck twice, my drive to work is 15-20 minutes long, it takes 10-20 minutes to clean off my car and the water pipes have froze once. 
Last night my car got stuck in my driveway- fire ashes saved the day! 
This morning I woke up to no water, so that sucked! However thanks to a hairdryer and Marc being so smart I was able to unfreeze the pipe that was frozen! But seriously why would anything that has water flowing through it be about the size of a pencil- because really no kidding it's going to freeze! 
Then on my way to work my car decided it didn't want to go in and turned itself around, well the snowy ice maybe made that decision but I ended up stuck again. 
Time to shovel again! Have a great night, missing everyone from Mississauga! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Erin! Finally all caught up, sounds like you've had some mad adventures.

    Your staircase decorations are GORGEOUS. I get the difficult struggle, but they're fantastic! hope you post again soon.
